An Update From The Author: Saying I'm not an advocate of relationships was probably misleading. To satisfy your curiosity of my personal view on the subject matter, direct yourself to "The End.," the last post written in February 2011. (This also entails the purpose of this literature as a whole.)
A Second Update From Your Author (6 March 2012): This is becoming an aspiration to define the term "love." An aspiration because it is that very thing I find hard to describe with words. But every then and again I come across someone who achieves to do so to some extent. You can find these quotes I call fancy structures of words in "special entries."

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The End?

I say being in love is not about owning someone. That it isn't an agenda or an end game, but rather happiness. That love happens. And that I will flow with and follow my feelings.

I'm sad to say that at this time in my life I'm writing this post to give this blog another end.

But happy to say it's because I'm so close to the end, to the end of learning what turns me on, makes me happy, and how to obtain love.

God I hate these sort of photos, 
but this one's for you, my dear Blogger.
...because in the end, I'm just your average female. Looking for love, finding it, losing it, and wanting it again.

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