I have a confession to make: I'm inked. I had been wanting to for at least a year now. But 4 months ago through a series of unfortunate events, I told myself I wouldn't. I suppose that makes me a liar.
I also lied about putting education before all else. Who am I kidding, people don't really change, and I for one sure haven't. (I haven't completely given up on myself though. I know how some of you like to worry...) Sitting here on a Wednesday night after taking my first summer session test realizing I'm on the brink of insanity has brought me to this conclusion: I must continue what I started until it truly no longer holds true, until some unlucky male gets to call me "girlfriend."
This could go on for years, maybe another 18! I'm excited. (: With that in mind, I'm aware of the fact that I will probably run out of creative things to write about, so bare with me on those boring weeks. And with that being said, any guy who decides to cross paths with me shall know I will most likely end up writing about you. Good or bad, who knows. And to those I've already written about, love, love is all I have for your impressionistic ways. Thanks for the entertainment. Ha.
1. The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
2. All the conversations, all the laughs, and all the nights you offered your hand to hold.